Tot mai multe persoane aleg să-și cumpere un aspirator robot care să facă curățenie prin casă. Deși acesta este un ajutor, proprietarii uneori se mai enervează când roboțeii dau greș, de aceea aleg să-i dezmierde. Echipa #diez a selectat o listă cu nume care vă pot veni în ajutor.
- Cpt. Kirk
- Dusty
- Not a Toaster
- Robocop
- Undercover Roomba
- Cookie monster
- Mr Robot
- Butter
- R2D2
- Alfred
- Sucky
- Dustin
- Consuela
- Wall-e
- Will Smiff
- Minesweeper
- Gonk droid
- Kraken
- Snuffy
- Kylo Roomba
- Sir sweeps a-lot
- Cat Car
- Roblox
- Jarvis
- Floorida
- Murderbot
- Robot Downey Jr.
- Snoop Boop
- Daredevil
- Willy Roomba
- Bumper Thumper
- Bouncy Bot
- Hairy / Harry
- Marilyn Monrobot
- Pac Man
- Samuel L. Vacson
- Sucky McSuckface
- Sweepy
- Roberto
- Sir Cleansalot
- Morty
- The Grim Sweeper
- Dobby
- Shitweasel
- Wall-E
- Muncher
- LowRider
- Steve McClean
- Vlad the Inhaler
- Roundabout
- R2Dirt2
- Attack-Vac
- Minion
- RoboMop
- C3P0
- Catcar
- Mr. Meeseeks
- Dustbin Timberlake
- Katniss Everclean
- Obi-Wan Cleanobi
- Cleanopatra
- Lomax
- Pixie
- T-Bone
- Toto
- Whiskey
- Zero
- Zowie
- Sir Vacsalot
- Alfred
- Alice
- Benson
- Bob
- Arlo
- Buttons
- Coco
- Daisy
- Daphne
- Brenda
- Butler
- Garett
- Hariett
- Harry
- Hazel
- Goliath
- Jelly Roll
- Jeeves
- Leslie
- Martha
- Max
- Mildred
- Niles
- Rhonda
- Robbie
- Cinnamon
- Bullet
- Robi
- Speck
- Steve
- Tina
- Buck
- Winston
- Little Lisa
- Rugrat
- Ralph
- Shannon
- Thorsten
- Dust Guzzler
- Lucy
- Karen
- Peggy
- Hugo
- Martha
- Darko
- Twiggy
- Gangubai
- Reidar
- Juanita
- Charlie
- Benji
- Bingo
- Lola
- Lil Critter
- Buddy
- Bruiser
- Sister Critter
- Champ
- Grandma Shark
- Night Owl
- Prof. Dumbledust
- Dustin Bieber
- Ramsingh
- Dobby
- Fluffy
- Hedwig
- Hazel
- Pug
- Clean Elizabeth the third
- Smarty
- Pikachu
- Cat sitter
- Ravioli
- Bolt
- Blue
- Nounou
- CarZina
Nume inspirate din cultura populară.
- Optimus Prime
- R2-D2
- C-3PO
- B-9
- Robby the Robot
- Gort
- Stepford
- Wall-E
- The Iron Giant
- Marvin the paranoid android
- Roy Batty
- Maria/Futura
- Tom Servo / Crow T. Robot
- The Sentinels
- T-800
- Ultron
- Cmdr Data
- Number 6
- Johnny 5
- Robo-Cop
- Major Motoko Kusanagi
- Daleks
- Hal-9000
- Kitt
- GlaDOS
- Johnny 5
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